29 de agosto de 2009

Should e Shouldn't- oitava série

•Exercise Chose should or shouldn't.

1-You______ be so selfish
2-You_______ exercise more

3-The kids ________ spend so much time in front of the TV

4- It's my mother's birthday. Should I buy a gift?

para assistir ao vídeo clique no link abaixo:


Second Conditional - primeiro ano CONCORDIA

Para baixar a aula do dia 24/o8/09 clique no link abaixo:

•If your house was on fire and you could only take one object, which would it be?
I would save my computer

•If you could choose 3 objects to take with you to a desert island, what would you take?
I would take a knife, a cell phone and a tent.

•If you could buy anything in the world (but just one thing), what would it be?
I would buy the Coca Cola Company.

•If you could have any super power – for example, the ability to fly, or to be very strong, or to become invisible – which super power would you choose? Why? What would you do with this power?
I would like to be invisible

If I were a boy

''If I were a boy
even just for a day
I'd roll out of bed in the morning
And throw on what I wanted
And go drink beer with the guys...

If I were a boy
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I'd be a better man..''

Assista ao vídeo clipe If I were a boy

9 de junho de 2009


Deixe aqui seus recadinhos pra turma, pra teacher ou pra um amigo que participe do Blog.
Clique em 'comentários' para adicionar um scrap

parts of the body

videos body parts- Sesame Street - Body Parts cartoon

The Pumkin Show - Body Parts

body parts - vocabulary from MES-English.com

21 de maio de 2009

Simple Past ( passado simples)

O simple past é um dos tempos verbais mais simples e, ao mesmo tempo, mais importantes da língua inglesa. Usamos o simple past quando queremos nos referir a um fato que ocorreu no passado, independentemente se sabemos o tempo específico do acontecimento ou não. Para formar uma sentença nesse tempo verbal, basta flexionarmos o verbo principal na forma do passado.

Ex: I saw a movie yesterday. = Eu assisti um filme ontem.

Caso queiramos fazer uma sentença negativa ou interrogativa, devemos utilizar o verbo auxiliar “did”. No entanto, a diferença é que o verbo não irá ser flexionado.No caso negativo, o verbo auxiliar ficará antes do verbo principal
Ex: He didn't play the piano. = Ele não tocou piano.

No caso interrogativo, coloca-se o verbo auxiliar 'did' antes do sujeito:

Did you write the E-mail? = Você escreveu o E-mail?

Exercícios usando Past Simple

Did your friend play soccer with you last week?

Did you watch Simpsons last night?

present continuous and simple present

video aula present continuous
Simple present
O Present Simple é usado em situações do cotidiano e em verdades absolutas. Utiliza-se também em ações repetidas ou usuais, atos que realizamos frequentemente ou em eventos marcados.
Por exemplo, a água ferve a 100ºC, esta é uma verdade absoluta, ou 'Eu pratico esportes', ou ainda 'O onibus parte, todos os dias, às 6 da manhã'; em todos estes casos é usado o Present Simple.
O Present Simple é apenas a conjugação do verbo no Presente

Present Continuous
O Present Continuous utiliza-se em ações que ainda estão acontecendo, seja no momento: O telefone está tocando, ou a ações que ainda estão em progresso: Estou lendo um livro . Quando algo irá acontecer num futuro próximo também é utilizado este tempo verbal.
O Present Continuous forma-se a partir do verbo 'to be' no presente mais o verbo da ação mais o sufixo 'ing': to be + verb + ing -> I am + listen + ing = I am listening.
The telephone is ringing.
I am reading a book.

exercícios presente contínuo
exercicios presente simples http://www.inglesonline.com.br/exerciciosdeinglesonline/clozePresSimple1.htm

What is Rihanna doing?

What is Britney Spears doing?

What are Bella and Edward doing?

20 de maio de 2009

Britney Opens Up About Her Dating Disasters

Originally posted Tuesday November 25, 2008 11:35 AM EST
It's all work and no play for Britney Spears as she prepares for the release of her new album, Circus. ‘’I feel like an old person now," she says in Rolling Stone's next issue, out Friday. "I do! I go to bed at, like, 9:30 every night, and I don't go out or anything."

And when she finds time to go on a date, Spears says the experience makes her wish she had just stayed home.

So instead of partying and dating, Spears is focusing on promoting Circus, which comes out Dec. 2 –
her 27th birthday – with a live performance that day in New York City on Good Morning America. Her first single, (10)"Womanizer," has been slowly climbing the charts.

She’s not taking a break for Thanksgiving, either. The pop star boarded a plane Monday,
headed to Europe to promote Circus overseas.

Spears has also been busy spending time with her two sons, Preston, 3, and Jayden, 2. After
winning more visitation time with the boys earlier this year, Spears recently took her sons to visit her home state of Louisiana. The boys spend most of their time with dad Kevin Federline, and Spears says she is critical of some of his parenting (17)choices. The children "are starting to learn words like 'stupid,' and Preston says the f-word now sometimes," she says. "He doesn't get it from us. He must get it from his daddy. I say it, but not around my kids."

1-Why is Britney feeling like an old person now?
2- What is Britney Spears doing now instead of parting and dating?
3- What is the first single of her new album?
4- Find 3 names of places (city, state and continent)

19 de maio de 2009

I can speak English

CAN é usado para expressar coisas que você pode/consegue fazer.
CAN'T é usado justamente ao contrário. Para expressar coisas que você NÃO pode/consegue fazer

I can jump

I can play video games

I can't play basketball

Agora é sua vez.. diga coisas que você consegue fazer e coisas que você não consegue.

7 de maio de 2009

What's your favorite soft drink?

What's your favorite soft drink?
and how often do you drink it?
What's the best advertisement?
What's the most beautiful logo? and the ugliest?